Serving the Community since 1951

Our Club was formed on 15th March 1951, 22 years later than the first effort to start the club. Sponsored by Rotary Club of Canberra, our Club wasted no time in sponsoring other Clubs.

Over the years, Queanbeyan Rotary has had a very rich and varied history in our area, including involvement in one form or another in nearly every charitable organisation. To read all about our more than 70-year history, please click
here to see the speech from our 70th birthday celebration.

Notable Rotarians

Rotarians are your neighbours, your community leaders and some of the world’s greatest history-makers:

Neil Armstrong

Sir Donald Bradman

Winston Churchill

Walt Disney

Thomas Edison

John F Kennedy

Luciano Pavarotti

Franklin D Roosevelt

Woodrow Wilson

Orville Wright

Ready to make history with us? Contact us and get involved.

Queanbeyan Railway Station

First train came into Queanbeyan railway station in September 1887.

Historic Queanbeyan Railway bridge